Altrovian Popsugar Reading Challenge 2020 - ∞

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    Biting's excellent.
    It's like kissing.
    Only there's a winner.


    Per il 2021 si rinnova la versione altroviana della Popsugar Reading Challenge.
    Ma, visto che siamo noi, la nostra versione sarà ulteriormente personalizzata.

    Dalle liste delle sfide ufficiali del 2018, 2019, 2020 e 2021 e chi partecipa avrà la possibilità di ritagliarsi una lista personale.

    Dovrete scegliere 50 (20 + 20 + 10) definizioni da due delle liste, scegliendo tra gli anni 2018, 2019 e 2020 e 10 da quella del 2021 fino a un totale di 50.
    Le prime 20 + 20 dal 2018, 2019o 2020 e le 10 del 2021 saranno le definizioni principali, le 10 restanti quelle di riserva.


    . Airin
    . Taksya
    . Panic
    . Kerra

    Post con discussione generale.

    Edited by taksya - 2/1/2021, 17:09

    Lista principale 1 (2018)
    1) A book made into a movie you've already seen - Battle Royale (Koushun Takami)
    2) True crime - Compulsion (Meyer Levin)
    3) A next book in a series you started - Gli scomparsi di Chiardiluna (Christelle Dabos)
    4) A novel based on a real person - Papillon (Henri Charrière)
    5) A book set in a country that fascinates you - Un artista del mondo fluttuante (Kazuo Ishiguro)
    6) A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you - Le avventure di Washington Black (Esi Edugyan)
    7) A book about mental health - Una stanza piena di gente (Daniel Keyes)
    8) A book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift - I dieci esperimenti più belli (George Johnson)
    9) A book by two authors - Magisterium. La torre d'oro (Holly Black & Cassandra Clare)
    10) A book that's published in 2018 - Il negozio di musica (Rachel Joyce)
    11) A book set in the decade you were born - La bambina che amava Tom Gordon (Stephen King)
    12) A book with an ugly cover - Comma 22 (Joseph Heller)
    13) A book about time travel - La confraternita degli storici curiosi (Jodi Taylor)

    Lista principale 2 (2019)
    14) A book written by a musician - Barefoot Pilgrimage (Andrea Corr)
    15) A book you think should be turned into a movie - La città & la città (China Miéville)
    16) A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads - Mattatoio n. 5 (Kurt Vonnegut)
    17) A reread of a favorite book - American Gods (Neil Gaiman)
    18) A book that's published in 2019 - L'istituto (Stephen King)
    19) A book about a family - Pastorale americana (Philip Roth)
    20) A book written by an author from Asia, Africa or South America - Cronaca di una morte annunciata (Gabriel Garcìa Màrquez)
    21) A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title - Unico indizio la luna piena (Stephen King)
    22) A book by an author whose first and last names start with the same letter - La lama sottile (Philip Pullman)
    23) A book with a two-word title - Middle England (Jonathan Coe)
    24) A novel based on a true story - Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts)
    25) A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover - Il deserto dei tartari (Dino Buzzati)
    26) A book with a question in the title - Ti ricordi di me? (Sophie Kinsella)
    27) A book set in Scandinavia - La luna è tramontata (John Steinbeck)
    28) A book with a plant in the title or on the cover - Sognavo l'Africa (Kuki Gallmann)
    29) A book inspired by mythology, legend or folklore - Il canto di Penelope (Margaret Atwood)
    30) A book told from multiple character POVs - La città e la casa (Natalia Ginzburg)

    Lista di riserva (2020)
    31) A book with a three-word title - Diario di scuola (Daniel Pennac)
    32) A book you picked because the title caught your attention - L'incredibile cena dei fisici quantistici (Gabriella Greison)
    33) A book with more than 20 letters in its title - Nuova grammatica finlandese (Diego Marani)
    34) A book published in the 20th century - Una città o l'altra (Bill Bryson)
    35) A book by an author who has written more than 20 books - Ubik (Philip K. Dick)
    36) A book by an author with flora or fauna in their name - Allegro ma non troppo (Carlo Maria Cipolla)
    37) A book that's published in 2020 - Echi in tempesta (Christelle Dabos)
    38) A book on a subject you know nothing about - Underground (Haruki Murakami)
    39) A western - Paradise Sky (Joe R. Lansdale)
    40) A book set in Japan - Le quattro casalinghe di Tokyo (Natsuo Kirino)

    Lista extra (2021)
    41) A book set somewhere you'd like to visit in 2021 - Resto qui (Marco Balzano)
    42) A book by an author who shares your zodiac sign - Chi teme la morte (Nnedi Okorafor)
    43) A book that has fewer than 1000 reviews on Amazon or Goodreads - Piccoli colpi di fortuna (Claudia Piñeiro)
    44) The book on your TBR list with the prettiest cover - Falce (Neal Shusterman)
    45) The book on your TBR list with the ugliest cover - La lunga marcia (Richard Bachman)
    46) A book from your TBR list you meant to read last year but didn't - Sganciando la luna dal cielo (Gregory Hughes)
    47) A book from your TBR list chosen at random - Il gigante sepolto (Kazuo Ishiguro)
    48) The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list - Il diavolo e l'acqua scura (Stuart Turton)
    49) The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list - La casa di carta (Carlos María Domínguez)
    50) A free book from your TBR list - L'Ickabog (J.K. Rowling)

    Terminata: 30 Luglio 2021

    Edited by airin‚ - 11/8/2021, 16:09

    Biting's excellent.
    It's like kissing.
    Only there's a winner.


    Lista Principale 1 (2018)
    01. A book made into a movie you’ve already seen Il Signor Diavolo, Pupi Avati
    02. Truecrime The night the DeFeo died, Ric Osuna
    03. The next book in a series you started La Fenice rossa (Rizzoli & Isles), Tess Gerritsen
    04. Nordic noir Gotland: L'Isola di Dio, Håkan Östlundh
    05. A novel based on a real person The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, Rebecca Skloot
    06. A book set in a country that fascinates you UNIT 731, Craig Saunders
    07. A book about death or grief
    08. A book that is also a stage play or musical Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, J. K. Rowling
    09. A book by an author of a different ethnicity than you La Parabola del Seminatore, Octavia Butler
    10. A book about mental health
    11. A book by two authors Blue Labyrinth, Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child
    12. A book about or involving a sport The Wave at Hanging Rock, Gregg Dunnett (surf)
    13. A book by a local author Gallia est, Danila Comastri Montanari
    14. A book about time travel L'anno del contagio, Connie Willis
    15. A book set at sea Erebus: The Story of a Ship, Michael Palin
    16. A book set on a different planet Darkover Landfall, Marion Zimmer Bradley
    17. A book set in the decade you were born
    18. A book you meant to read in 2017 but didn't get to Crocodile on the Sandbank, Elizabeth Peters
    19. A book that involves a bookstore or library
    20. A cyberpunk book

    Lista Principale 2 (2020)
    21. A book that's published in 2020
    22. A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics Middle England, Jonathan Coe
    23. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
    24. A book with a map
    25. An anthology
    26. A book published the month of your birthday Una McCormack, Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass
    27. A book that won an award in 2019
    28. A book on a subject you know nothing about
    29. A book with a robot, cyborg, or Al character
    30. A book by a WOC My Sister the Serial Killer, Oyinkan Braithwaite
    31. A book you meant to read in 2019
    32. A book that has a book on the cover
    33. A medical thriller
    34. A book you picked because the title caught your attention
    35. A book by or about a journalist
    36. A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics
    37. A book set in the 1920s
    38. A book by an author who has written more than 20 books Fine turno, Stephen King
    39. A book published in the 20th century
    40. A book from a series with more than 20 books

    Lista Principale 3 (2021)
    41. A book whose title starts with "Q," "X," or "Z"
    X, Sue Grafton
    42. A book that's published in 2021
    43. A book about a subject you are passionate about
    44. A book that has fewer than 1,000 reviews on Amazon or Goodreads La nuit a dévoré le monde, Pit Agarmen

    An Afrofuturist book
    A book that has a heart, diamond, club, or spade on the cover
    A book by an author who shares your zodiac sign
    A dark academia book
    A book with a gem, mineral, or rock in the title
    A book where the main character works at your current or dream job
    A book that has won the Women's Prize For Fiction
    A book with a family tree
    A bestseller from the 1990s
    A book about forgetting
    A book you have seen on someone's bookshelf (in real life, on a Zoom call, in a TV show, etc.)
    A locked-room mystery
    A book set in a restaurant
    A book with a black-and-white cover
    A book by an Indigenous author
    A book that has the same title as a song
    A book that discusses body positivity
    A book found on a Black Lives Matter reading list
    A genre hybrid
    A book set mostly or entirely outdoors
    A book with something broken on the cover
    A book by a Muslim British author
    A book that was published anonymously
    A book with an oxymoron in the title
    A book about do-overs or fresh starts
    A magical realism book
    A book set in multiple countries
    A book set somewhere you'd like to visit in 2021
    A book by a blogger, vlogger, YouTube video creator, or other online personality
    A book featuring three generations (grandparent, parent, child)
    A book about a social justice issue
    A book in a different format than what you normally read (audiobooks, ebooks, graphic novels)
    A book you think your best friend would like
    A book about art or an artist
    A book everyone seems to have read but you
    Your favourite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
    The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
    The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
    The book on your TBR list with the prettiest cover
    The book on your TBR list with the ugliest cover
    The book that's been on your TBR list for the longest amount of time
    A book from your TBR list you meant to read last year but didn't
    A book from your TBR list you associate with a favourite person, place, or thing
    A book from your TBR list chosen at random
    A DNF book from your TBR list
    A free book from your TBR list (gifted, borrowed, library)

    Lista di riserva (2019)
    01. A book becoming a movie in 2019
    02. A book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction)
    03. A book set in space
    04. A debut novel
    05. A book that's published in 2019
    06. A book inspired by mithology, legend, or folklore I ragazzi di Anansi, Neil Gaiman
    07. A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South America
    08. A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title
    09. A ghost story
    10. A novel based on a true story

    09 / 50 (00)

    Edited by taksya - 31/5/2021, 21:44

    detto anche l'impanicato



    ✔ 01. Shantaram, Gregory David Roberts (A debut novel) ✔
    ✔ 02. Bad Chili, Joe R. Lansdale (A book with a two-word title)✔
    ✔ 03. Le bugie nel carrello, Dario Bressanini (A book you meant to read in 2018)✔
    ✔ 04. Vite di pirati, Daniel Defoe (A book inspired by mithology, legend, or folklore) ✔
    ✔ 05. Le ore, Michael Cunningham (A book told from multiple character POVs) ✔
    ✔ 06. Herzog, Saul Bellow (A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters)✔
    ✔ 07. Middle England, Jonathan Coe (A book about a family) ✔
    ✔ 08. I re del nord, Bernard Cornwell (A novel based on a true story) ✔
    ✔ 09. Sing backwards and weep, Mark Lanegan (A book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction)) ✔
    ✔10. L'ombra dello scorpione, Stephen King (A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title) ✔
    ✔11. Prima Fondazione, Isaac Asimov (A book set in space) ✔
    ✔12. Resoconto, Rachel Cusk (A book that includes a wedding) ✔
    ✔13. Dal big bang ai buchi neri, Stephen Hawking (Your favorite prompt from a past POSUGAR Reading Challenge - 2017 A book by or about a person who has disability) ✔
    ✔14. La cena, Herman Koch (A book that takes place in a single day) ✔
    ✔15. Player One, Ernest Cline (A book about a hobby) ✔
    ✔16. Le anime morte, Nikolaj Gogol' (A book you see someone reading) ✔
    ✔17. Dune, Frank P. Herbert (A book about someone with a superpower) ✔
    ✔18. Il defunto Signor Gallet, Georges Simenon (A retelling of a classic) ✔
    ✔19. The Crow, James O'Barr (A book that makes you nostalgic) ✔
    ✔20. Dalia Nera, James Ellroy(A book wit plant in the title or on the cover)✔

    ✔21. Il filo della spada, Bernard Cornwell (A book with a map)✔
    ✔22. Crepuscolo, Kent Haruf (A book you meant to read in 2019)✔
    ✔23. La ferrovia sotterranea, Colson Whitehead (A book by or about a journalist)✔
    ✔24. L'ordine del tempo, Carlo Rovelli (A book with a three-word title)✔
    ✔25. Todo modo - Leonardo Sciascia (A book you picked because the title caught your attention)✔
    ✔26. I demoni di Wakenhyrst, Michelle Paver (A book that's published in 2020)✔
    ✔27. Postmortem, Patricia Cornwell (A book from a series with more than 20 books)✔
    ✔28. Porno, Irvine Welsh (A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics)✔
    ✔29. L'ultimo re, Bernard Cornwell (A book by an author who has written more than 20 books)✔
    ✔30. La peste scarlatta, Jack London (A book published in the 20th century)✔
    ✔31. Il pianeta del miraggio, Robert A. Heinlein (A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins)✔
    ✔32. Un omicidio alla fine del mondo, Ben H. Winters (A book with more than 20 letters in its title) ✔
    ✔33.American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis (A book with a main character in their 20s) ✔
    ✔34. Sette brevi lezioni di fisica, Carlo Rovelli (A book on a subject you know nothing about) ✔
    ✔35. Macchine come me, Ian McEwan (A book with a robot, cyborg or AI character)✔
    ✔36. Miliardi di tappeti di capelli, Andreas Eschbach (A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader)✔
    ✔37. Se questo è un uomo, Primo Levi (A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads)✔
    ✔38. I guerrieri dell'Italia antica, Gabriele Esposito (The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed)✔
    ✔39. Il cavallante della «Providence», Georges Simenon (A book written by an author in their 20s)✔
    ✔40. The Help, Kathryn Stockett (A book that passes the Bechdel test)✔

    41. Aria sottile, Jon Krakauer (A bestseller from the 1990s)✔
    42. I miei ricordi, Walter Bonatti (A book set in multiple countries)✔
    43. La seduta spiritica, Antonio Iovane(A book that's published in 2021)✔
    44. Considera l'aragosta, David Foster Wallace(A book you have seen on someone's bookshelf)✔
    45. La spada dei re, Bernard Cornwell (A book set mostly or entirely outdoors)✔
    ✔46. Una cosa divertente che non farò mai più, David Foster Wallace (A free book from your TBR list (gifted, borrowed, library)) ✔
    ✔47. Neanche gli dei, Isaac Asimov (A book by an author who shares your zodiac sign)✔
    ✔48. La scomparsa di Majorana, Leonardo Sciascia (A book from your TBR list you meant to read last year but didn't)✔
    ✔49. Dio odia il Giappone, Douglas Coupland (The book on your TBR list with the ugliest cover)✔
    ✔50. Un cavaliere e il suo re, Bernard Cornwell (A book set somewhere you'd like to visit in 2021)✔

    Lista di riserva (2018)

    -A book becoming a movie in 2019
    -A book that makes you nostalgic
    -A book written by a musician (fiction or nonfiction)
    -A book you think should be turned into a movie
    -A book with at least one million ratings on Goodreads
    -A book wit plant in the title or on the cover
    -A reread of a favorite book
    -A book about a hobby
    -A book set in space
    -A book with a title that contains "salty", "sweet", "bitter" or "spicy"
    -A book set in Scandinavia
    -A book that takes place in a single day
    -A debut novel
    -A book that's published in 2019
    -A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature
    -A book recommended by a celebrity you admire
    -A book you meant to read in 2018
    -A book with "pop", "sugar" or "challenge" in the title
    -A book with an item of cloting or accessory on the cover
    -A book inspired by mithology, legend, or folklore
    -A book published posthumously
    -A book you see someone reading
    -A book with "love" in the title
    -A book featuring an amateur detective
    -A book about a family
    -A book written by an author from Asia, Africa, or South America
    -A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title
    -A book that includes a wedding
    -A book by an author whose first and last names star with the same letter
    -A ghost story
    -A book with a two-word title
    -A novel based on a true story
    -A book revolving around a puzzle or game
    -Your favorite prompt from a past POSUGAR Reading Challenge
    -A book you see someone reading on TV or in a movie
    -A retelling of a classic
    -A book with a question in the title
    -A book set on a college or university campus
    -A book about someone with a superpower
    -A book told from multiple character POVs
    -A "cli-fi" (climate fiction) book
    -A "choose-your-own-adventure" book
    -An "own voices" book
    -Read a book during the season it is set in
    -A litRPG book
    -A book with no chapters / unusual chapter headings / unconventionally numbered chapters
    -Two books that share the same title 1
    -Two books that share the same title 2
    -A book that has inspired a common phrase or idiom (e.g. Big Brother from 1984)
    -A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage, or convent

    -A book that's published in 2020
    -A book by a trans or nonbinary author
    -A book with a great first line
    -A book about a book club
    -A book set in a city that has hosted the Olympics
    -A bildungsroman
    -The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
    -A book with an upside-down image on the cover
    -A book with a map
    -A book published the month of your birthday
    -A book about or by a woman in STEM
    -A book that won an award in 2019
    -A book on a subject you know nothing about
    -A book with only words on the cover, no images or graphics
    -A book with a pun in the title
    -A book featuring one of the seven deadly sins
    -A book with a robot, cyborg or AI character

    -A book recommended by your favorite blog, vlog, podcast or online book club
    -An anthology
    -A book that passes the Bechdel test
    -A book with the same title as a movie or TV show but is unrelated to it
    -A book ny an author with flora of fauna in their name
    -A book about or involving social media
    -A book that has a book on the cover
    -A medical thriller
    -A book with a made-up language
    -A book set in a country beginning with "C"
    -A book you picked because the title caught your attention
    -A book with a bird on the cover
    -A fiction or nonfiction book about a world leader
    -A book with "gold", "silver", or "bronze" in the title
    -A book by a WOC
    -A book with at least a four-star rating on Goodreads
    -A book you meant to read in 2019
    -A book with a three-word title
    -A book with a pink cover
    -A Western
    -A book by or about a journalist
    -Read a banned book during Banned Books Week
    -Your favorite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
    -A book written by an author in their 20s
    -A book with "20" or "twenty" in the title
    -A book with a character with a visdion impairment or enhancement (a nod to 20/20 vision)
    -A book set in Japan, host of the 2020 Olympics
    -A book set in the 1920s
    -A book by an author who has written more than 20 books
    -A book with more than 20 letters in its title
    -A book published in the 20th century
    -A book from a series with more than 20 books
    -A book with a main character in their 20s

    -A book that's published in 2021
    -An Afrofuturist book
    -A book that has a heart, diamond, club, or spade on the cover
    -A book by an author who shares your zodiac sign
    -A dark academia book
    -A book with a gem, mineral, or rock in the title
    -A book where the main character works at your current or dream job
    -A book that has won the Women's Prize For Fiction
    -A book with a family tree
    -A bestseller from the 1990s
    -A book about forgetting
    -A book you have seen on someone's bookshelf (in real life, on a Zoom call, in a TV show, etc.)
    -A locked-room mystery
    -A book set in a restaurant
    -A book with a black-and-white cover
    -A book by an Indigenous author
    -A book that has the same title as a song
    -A book about a subject you are passionate about
    -A book that discusses body positivity
    -A book found on a Black Lives Matter reading list
    -A genre hybrid
    -A book set mostly or entirely outdoors
    -A book with something broken on the cover
    -A book by a Muslim British author
    -A book that was published anonymously
    -A book with an oxymoron in the title
    -A book about do-overs or fresh starts
    -A magical realism book
    -A book set in multiple countries
    -A book set somewhere you'd like to visit in 2021
    -A book by a blogger, vlogger, YouTube video creator, or other online personality
    -A book whose title starts with "Q," "X," or "Z"
    -A book featuring three generations (grandparent, parent, child)
    -A book about a social justice issue
    -A book in a different format than what you normally read (audiobooks, ebooks, graphic novels)
    -A book that has fewer than 1,000 reviews on Amazon or Goodreads
    -A book you think your best friend would like
    -A book about art or an artist
    -A book everyone seems to have read but you
    -Your favourite prompt from a past POPSUGAR Reading Challenge
    -The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
    -The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
    -The book on your TBR list with the prettiest cover
    -The book on your TBR list with the ugliest cover
    -The book that's been on your TBR list for the longest amount of time
    -A book from your TBR list you meant to read last year but didn't
    -A book from your TBR list you associate with a favourite person, place, or thing
    -A book from your TBR list chosen at random
    -A DNF book from your TBR list
    -A free book from your TBR list (gifted, borrowed, library)

    Edited by Don'tPanic - 29/12/2021, 16:24
    Mondo Parallelo

    1. The next book in a series you started Castillo, Linda - Una strada oscura (Kate Burkholder #9)
    2. A novel based on a real person Orlandi, Carlo Alberto - Gli archivi segreti della sezione M (vol. 1)
    3. A book set in a country that fascinates you Sōji Shimada - Gli omicidi dello zodiaco
    4. A book with a time of day in the title D'Urbano, Valentina - Non aspettare la notte
    5. Two books that share the same title (1) Jackson, Shirley - Lizzie
    6. Two books that share the same title (2) Wanjek, Eva - Lizzie
    7. A book with an animal in the title Collins, Suzanne - Hunger games. Ballata dell'usignolo e del serpente
    8. A book set on a different planet Naufragio sulla terra di Darkover - Marion Zimmer Bradley
    9. A book with a female author who uses a male pseudonym Vargas, Fred - Parti in fretta e non tornare
    10. A book you borrowed or that was given to you as a gift
    11. A book by two authors Corey, James S. A. - Leviathan. Il risveglio
    12. A book by a local author Cocco & Magella - Omicidio sul lago
    13. A childhood classic you’ve never read Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - Il piccolo principe
    14. A book with a fruit or vegetable in the title
    15. A book by an author with the same first or last name as you Piloni, Stefania - Prima di questo letto
    16. A book made into a movie you've already seen Du Marnier, Daphne - Rebecca la prima moglie
    17. A book with a weather element in the title White, Angela - Il principe del vento
    18. A book that’s published in 2018 Coe, Jonathan - Middle England
    19. A book with characters who are twins Fantini, Cristina - Nel nome della pietra
    20. A book mentioned in another book Capote, Truman - Colazione da Tiffany

    1. A book becoming a movie in 2019 King, Stephen - Dottor Sleep / Avati, Pupi - Il signor diavolo
    2. A book inspired by mithology, legend or folklore Harkness, Deborah - Il libro della vita e della morte
    3. A book with "love" nel titolo Premoli, Anna - Un imprevisto chiamato amore
    4. A book set in space Scalzi, John - Lo stallo dell'impero
    5. A book with a title that contains "salty", "sweet", bitter or spicy Mary Higgins Clark - Casa dolce casa
    6. A book set in Scandinavia Arnaldur Indriðason - La signora in verde
    7. A debut novel
    8. A book with a plant in the title or on the cover Robb, Candace - La rosa del farmacista
    9. A book that's published in 2019 Missiroli, Marco - Fedeltà / Roupenian, Kristen - Cat person
    10. A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature Stroud, Jonathan - La porta di Tolomeo
    11. A book with "pop", "sugar", or "challange" in the title Vichi, Marco - La sfida
    12. A book with two-word title Watt, Erin - Real Love
    13. A book that takes place in a single day McCall Smith, Alexander - Amori in viaggio
    14. A book written by an author from Asia, Africa or South America Smith, Wilbur - Uccelli da preda
    15. A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title Sōji Shimada - Gli omicidi dello zodiaco
    16. A book that includes a wedding Bonny, Joanne - Ho sposato un maschilista
    17. A book set on a college or university campus French, Tana - Il collegio
    18. A book by an author whose first and last name start with the same letter
    19. A retelling of a classic Atwood, Margaret - Il canto di Penelope
    20. A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage or convent Peters, Ellis - Un cadavere di troppo

    1. A book by an author whos has written more than 20 books King, Stephen - Ossessione
    2. A book with more tha 20 letters in its title Winters, Ben - Un omicidio alla fine del mondo
    3. A book set in Japan
    4. A medical thriller Cornwell, Patricia - Postmortem
    5. A book that's published in 2020
    6. A book with a bird on the cover I demoni di Wakenhyrst – Michelle Paver
    7. A book with a map Robb, Candace - Il segreto della cappella
    8. A book with a bird on the cover I demoni di Wakenhyrst – Michelle Paver
    9. The first book you touch on a shelf with your eyes closed
    10. A book that won an award in 2019

    1. A book that's published in 2021 De Lillo, Don - Il silenzio
    2. A book that has a heart, diamond, club, or spade on the cover Hoang, Helen - La matematica del cuore
    3. A book with a black-and-white cover
    4. A book about a subject you are passionate about
    5. The longest book (by pages) on your TBR list
    6. The shortest book (by pages) on your TBR list
    7. The book that's been on your TBR list for the longest amount of time
    8. A book by an author who shares your zodiac sign
    9. A book whose title starts with "Q," "X," or "Z" Reid, Penny - Questione di chimica
    10. A book with something broken on the cover

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    Edited by K.E.R - 14/8/2021, 09:56

    Meglio perderlo.


    Lista Principale 1
    10) A book mentioned in another book - Campanella da Poe
    14. A book written by an author from Asia, Africa or South America :Bah troppo facile. Ma questi pensano che la schifezza yankee e la colonia europea siano l' ombelico dell' universo?

    Lista Principale 2

    Lista di riserva

    00 / 40

    Non seguendovi non ho capito bene il senso... partendo dalla definizione si prende un libro a caso e lo si nfila nella lista?
    O nella lista ci sono anche i libri gia' letti che si incasellano?
    O e' una lista a caso di libri che teoricamente forse, ma mai e poi mai ci capitera' di leggere?
    O e' davvero uno spunto per libri che davvero vorremmo leggere?
    Vabbe' nel mio caso ci mettero' libri che ho cominciato a leggere e che si incastrano in una casella.

    Edited by pv - 25/1/2020, 10:07
5 replies since 11/1/2020, 18:49   602 views